Recycled Circuit Board Creations

Circuit Board Shoes
Stylish shoes created from printed circuit boards by Steven Rodrig. [link]

Circuit Board Notebook
Cool ring-bound notebook made from a recycled circuit board. [link]

Circuit Board Necklace
Necklace made from circuit boards and magnets by Christoph Koch. [link]

Circuit Board Guitar
Miniature electric guitar made from the innards of an MP3 player. [link]

Circuit Board Sneakers
Nike sneakers created by Gabriel Dishaw from old computer parts. [link]

Circuit Board Clipboard
Clipboard made from recycled motherboard that might otherwise have ended up in a landfill. [link]

Circuit Board Clock
Laser etched clock where the numbers have been replaced by a variety of schematic and logic symbols. [link]

Circuit Board Car
Extremely unusual car decorated with recycled circuit boards. [link]

Circuit Board Fan
Hand-held fan made from old circuit boards and vinyl records. [link]

Circuit Board Dress
Stylish dress and handbag created by Fabio Renaldo from recycled computer chips for the Eco Chic fashion show in Indonesia. [link]
